Maiko Sugano
Born in Tokyo in 1974, Maiko Sugano graduated from the Tokyo University of the Arts (former name is Tokyo National University of Fine Arts & Music) in 1997, and in the same year she received the Excellence Prize in the Parco URBANART #6 competition. After working for a design firm, she embarked on a round-the-globe trip, and ended up living in San Francisco in 2000. She was a recipient of the Murphy and Cadogan Fellowship and also the Wornick Scholarship while she was California College of Arts. In 2004 she completed her MFA at California College of the Arts. In 2009, she received a grant as part of the "Japanese Government Overseas Study Program for Artist" from the Agency for Cultural Affairs of Japan, to research art and art environments at the MARTa Herford Museum in Germany. 2014, She got PhD in FineArt at Tokyo University of the Arts. Now, at the Tainan national university of the Arts, she is currently researching communications by art in local domestic environments while continuing her artwork.
菅野 麻依子
1974年東京生まれ。1997年東京藝術大学美術学部デザイン科卒業後、同年にパルコアーバナート#6にて優秀賞を受賞。デザイン会社勤務、世界一周旅行を経て、2000年にカルフォルニア州サンフランシスコに渡米。2004 年にカルフォルニア・カレッジ・オブ・アート(CCA) 修士課程修了。2009年に文化庁新進芸術家海外研修制度研修員としてドイツのMARTa Herford 美術館を拠点に活動。東京藝術大学木工芸研究室在籍を経て、2014年博士号取得(博美第442号 東京藝術大学)。現在、台湾国立台南藝術大学にて、ドメスティックな場所で行うアートとコミュニケーションについての研究、制作活動を続ける。